Video y letra de Dance For You - Beyonce (Video Oficial)
Como siempre presentando la mejor música del momento, en esta ocasión tenemos el agrado de presentarles la canción de Beyonce (Video Oficial) esta nueva canción se llama Dance For You. Espero que sea de todo su agrado y que la disfruten por esta hermosa la canción Dance For You de Beyonce (Video Oficial).
No te olvides de compartir el vídeo y la letra con tus amigos de facebook dándole clic en el botón azul de arriba, Gracias.
Aqui el video de Dance For You - Beyonce (Video Oficial)
Aquí la letra de Dance For You
I just wanna...
Show you how much I appreciate you
Wanna show you how much I'm dedicated to you
Wanna show you how much I will forever be true
Wanna show you how much you got your girl feelin' good
Wanna show you how much, how much you're understood
Wanna show you how much, I value what you say
Not only are you loyal, you're patient with me bay
Wanna show you how much, I really care about yo heart
I wanna show ya how much, I hate being apart
Show ya, show ya, show ya til you're through with me
I wanna keep it how it is, so you can never say how it used to be...
Loving you is really all that's on my mind
And I can't help but to think about it day and night
I wanna make that body rock, sit back and watch
Tonight I'm gonna dance for you (oh uh oh)
Tonight I'm gonna dance for you (oh uh oh)
Tonight I'm gonna put my body on your body
Boy I like it when you watch me
Tonight it's going down
I'll be rockin' on my babe rockin' rockin' on my babe
Swirlin' on you babe swirlin' swirlin on you babe
Baby lemme put my body on your body
Promise not to tell nobody cuz
It's bout to go down...
You'll never need 2, cuz I will be your #1
Them other chicks are superficial
But I know you know I'm the one
That's why I'm all into you
Cuz I can recognize that you know that
That's why I'm backin' this thing back
Pop poppin' this thing back
Drop drop drop dropping this thing back
This is for the time, you gave me flowers
For the world, that is ours
For the mulah, for the power of love
I know I won't never ever ever give you up
And I wanna say thank you in case I don't thank you enough
A woman in the street and the freak in the you know what
Sit back sit back it's the pre game show
Daddy you know what's up...
Loving you is really all that's on my mind
And I can't help but to think about it day and night
I wanna make that body rock, sit back and watch
Tonight I'm gonna dance for you (oh uh oh)
Tonight I'm gonna dance for you (oh uh oh)
Tonight I'm gonna put my body on your body
Boy I like it when you watch me
Tonight it's going down
I'll be rockin' on my babe rockin' rockin' on my babe
Swirlin' on you babe swirlin' swirlin on you babe
Baby lemme put my body on your body
Promise not to tell nobody cuz
It's bout to go down...
No te olvides de compartir el vídeo y la letra con tus amigos de facebook dándole clic en el botón azul de arriba, Gracias.
Show you how much I appreciate you
Wanna show you how much I'm dedicated to you
Wanna show you how much I will forever be true
Wanna show you how much you got your girl feelin' good
Wanna show you how much, how much you're understood
Wanna show you how much, I value what you say
Not only are you loyal, you're patient with me bay
Wanna show you how much, I really care about yo heart
I wanna show ya how much, I hate being apart
Show ya, show ya, show ya til you're through with me
I wanna keep it how it is, so you can never say how it used to be...
Loving you is really all that's on my mind
And I can't help but to think about it day and night
I wanna make that body rock, sit back and watch
Tonight I'm gonna dance for you (oh uh oh)
Tonight I'm gonna dance for you (oh uh oh)
Tonight I'm gonna put my body on your body
Boy I like it when you watch me
Tonight it's going down
I'll be rockin' on my babe rockin' rockin' on my babe
Swirlin' on you babe swirlin' swirlin on you babe
Baby lemme put my body on your body
Promise not to tell nobody cuz
It's bout to go down...
You'll never need 2, cuz I will be your #1
Them other chicks are superficial
But I know you know I'm the one
That's why I'm all into you
Cuz I can recognize that you know that
That's why I'm backin' this thing back
Pop poppin' this thing back
Drop drop drop dropping this thing back
This is for the time, you gave me flowers
For the world, that is ours
For the mulah, for the power of love
I know I won't never ever ever give you up
And I wanna say thank you in case I don't thank you enough
A woman in the street and the freak in the you know what
Sit back sit back it's the pre game show
Daddy you know what's up...
Loving you is really all that's on my mind
And I can't help but to think about it day and night
I wanna make that body rock, sit back and watch
Tonight I'm gonna dance for you (oh uh oh)
Tonight I'm gonna dance for you (oh uh oh)
Tonight I'm gonna put my body on your body
Boy I like it when you watch me
Tonight it's going down
I'll be rockin' on my babe rockin' rockin' on my babe
Swirlin' on you babe swirlin' swirlin on you babe
Baby lemme put my body on your body
Promise not to tell nobody cuz
It's bout to go down...
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