Video y letra de Laserlight - Jessie J Ft. David Guetta

Laserlight - Jessie J Ft. David GuettaComo siempre presentando la mejor música del momento, en esta ocasión tenemos el agrado de presentarles la canción de Jessie J Ft. David Guetta esta nueva canción se llama Laserlight. Espero que sea de todo su agrado y que la disfruten por esta hermosa la canción Laserlight de Jessie J Ft. David Guetta.

No te olvides de compartir el vídeo y la letra con tus amigos de facebook dándole clic en el botón azul de arriba, Gracias.

Aqui el video de Laserlight - Jessie J Ft. David Guetta

Aquí la letra de Laserlight

In the blink of a night
I was falling from the sky
In the blur, you took my breath away
And my heart starts beating
And my lungs start breathing
And the voice in my head starts screaming
I'm alive!

You're like a laserlight, burning down, burning down on me!
You're like a laserlight, burning down, burning down on me!

You make me feel good,
You make me feel safe,
You make me feel like I could live another day
You make me feel good,
You make me feel safe,
You know I wouldn't have it any other way

(D-D-D-David G)
(Je-Je-Je-Jessie J)

You and me, face to face
And there's so much I could say
On these words, and forever seem the silence
Can you hear, that box bre-brea-breaking
And the world starts sha-sha-shaking
They keep talking, talking, talking
But we're walking, walking, to the light
Tonight, tonight

You're like a laserlight, burning down, burning down on me!
You're like a laserlight, burning down, burning down on me!

You make me feel good,
You make me feel safe,
You make me feel like I could live another day
You make me feel good,
You make me feel safe,
You know I wouldn't have it any other way

Oh oh oh
Please, don't stop stop stop
Oh no no
I won't stop stop stop
Oh Oh Oh
We won't stop stop stop
We won't stop stop stop
We won't stop stop stop

In the blink of a night
I was falling from the sky
In the blur, you took my breath away...

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