Video y letra de Why Don’t You Love Me - Hot Chelle Rae Ft. Demi Lovato
Como siempre presentando la mejor música del momento, en esta ocasión tenemos el agrado de presentarles la canción de Hot Chelle Rae Ft. Demi Lovato esta nueva canción se llama Why Don’t You Love Me. Espero que sea de todo su agrado y que la disfruten por esta hermosa la canción Why Don’t You Love Me de Hot Chelle Rae Ft. Demi Lovato.
No te olvides de compartir el vídeo y la letra con tus amigos de facebook dándole clic en el botón azul de arriba, Gracias.
Aqui el video de Why Don’t You Love Me - Hot Chelle Rae Ft. Demi Lovato
Aquí la letra de Why Don’t You Love Me
See I can wake up I’m living a nightmare
That keeps playing over and over again
Left in a room so held up on you
And your cool just being friends
Left on the sidelines
Stuck at a red light
Waiting for my time
And I can’t see
Why don’t you love me?
Touch me, tell me I’m your everything
The air you breathe
Why don’t you love me baby
Open up your heart tonight
I could be all that you need
Why don’t you love me?
Why don’t you love me?
See I’m just too scared to tell you the truth
Cause my heart can’t take anymore
Broken and bruised longing for you
And I don’t know what I’m waiting for
Left on the sidelines
Stuck at a red light
Waiting for my time
So just tell me
Why don’t you love me?
Touch me, tell me I’m your everything
The air you breathe
Why don’t you love me baby
Open up your heart tonight
I could be all that you need
Why don’t you love me?
Why don’t you love me?
Why don’t you give me a reason
Please tell me the truth
You know that I keep believing
Till I’m with you
Why don’t you love me
Kiss me, I could feel your heart tonight
It’s killing me so
Why don’t you love me?
Touch me, tell me I’m your everything
The air you breathe
And why don’t you love me baby?
Open up your heart tonight
I could be all that you need
Why don’t you love me?
Why don’t you love me?
Why don’t you love me?
No te olvides de compartir el vídeo y la letra con tus amigos de facebook dándole clic en el botón azul de arriba, Gracias.
That keeps playing over and over again
Left in a room so held up on you
And your cool just being friends
Left on the sidelines
Stuck at a red light
Waiting for my time
And I can’t see
Why don’t you love me?
Touch me, tell me I’m your everything
The air you breathe
Why don’t you love me baby
Open up your heart tonight
I could be all that you need
Why don’t you love me?
Why don’t you love me?
See I’m just too scared to tell you the truth
Cause my heart can’t take anymore
Broken and bruised longing for you
And I don’t know what I’m waiting for
Left on the sidelines
Stuck at a red light
Waiting for my time
So just tell me
Why don’t you love me?
Touch me, tell me I’m your everything
The air you breathe
Why don’t you love me baby
Open up your heart tonight
I could be all that you need
Why don’t you love me?
Why don’t you love me?
Why don’t you give me a reason
Please tell me the truth
You know that I keep believing
Till I’m with you
Why don’t you love me
Kiss me, I could feel your heart tonight
It’s killing me so
Why don’t you love me?
Touch me, tell me I’m your everything
The air you breathe
And why don’t you love me baby?
Open up your heart tonight
I could be all that you need
Why don’t you love me?
Why don’t you love me?
Why don’t you love me?
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