Somethin’ ‘Bout a Truck - Kip Moore (Video Oficial) | Video y Letra

Como siempre presentando la mejor música del momento, en esta ocasión tenemos el agrado de presentarles la canción de Kip Moore (Video Oficial) esta nueva canción se llama Somethin’ ‘Bout a Truck. Espero que sea de todo su agrado y que la disfruten por esta hermosa la canción Somethin’ ‘Bout a Truck de Kip Moore (Video Oficial).

Aqui el video de Somethin’ ‘Bout a Truck - Kip Moore (Video Oficial)

A continuación le vamos a presentar la letra de Somethin’ ‘Bout a Truck
Something about a truck in a farmer’s field
A no trespass sign, you got time to kill
Nobody’s gonna get hurt, so what’s the big deal
Something about a truck in a farmer’s field
Something about beer sitting on ice
After a long hard day makes it taste just right
On that dropped tailgate on a summer night
Something about beer sitting on ice
Something about a girl in a red sundress
With an ice cold beer pressed against her lips
In that farmer’s field, will make a boy a mess
Something about a girl in a red sundress
Something about a kiss that’s gonna lead to more
On that dropped tailgate, back behind the corn
The most natural thing, you’ve ever felt before
Something about a kiss that’s gonna lead to more
Something about a truck in a field
And a girl in a red sundress with an ice cold beer to her lips
Begging for another kiss
Something about you and me and the birds and the bees
And Lord have mercy it’s a beautiful thing
Ain’t nothing about it luck, something about a truck
Something about a creek around 2 am
After a few of those beers you wanna dive on in
You don’t need no clothes, just hang em on a limb
Something about a creek around 2 am
Something about a truck in a field
And a girl in a red sundress with an ice cold beer to her lips
Begging for another kiss
Something about you and me and the birds and the bees
And Lord have mercy it’s a beautiful thing
Ain’t nothing about it luck, something about a truck
Ain’t nothing about it luck, something about a truck

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