Dressing Up - Katy Perry | Video y Letra

Como siempre presentando la mejor música del momento, en esta ocasión tenemos el agrado de presentarles la canción de Katy Perry esta nueva canción se llama Dressing Up. Espero que sea de todo su agrado y que la disfruten por esta hermosa la canción Dressing Up de Katy Perry.

Aqui el video de Dressing Up - Katy Perry

A continuación le vamos a presentar la letra de Dressing Up
Dressing up for you,
Dressing up for you...

Saucer of milk, table for 2,
You wanna pet my kitty,
You're such a dirty doggy,
It's your lucky night, cause I'm in the mood,
I'm feeling spicy, I'm feeling real naughty...

Pick a part, you dream it up,
A dark vixen, a Lolita,
Oh boy, tell me your fantasy,
Tonight's the night I'm dressing up for you...

I can tell you're obsessed by your shortness of breath,
Oh, my Cookie Monster wants a taste test,
Be a good boy, and I'll show you the rest,
My little voyeur wants to play explorer...

Pick a part, you dream it up,
Librarian dominatrix,
Oh boy, tell me your fantasy,
Tonight's the night...

Tonight I'm gonna come alive,
Make you forget about your 9 to 5,
Are you ready for your blood to rise?,
Tonight's the night I'm dressing up for you...

You're getting hot, so let's call the nurse,
Oh, I feel the fever, let's take your temperature,
Better behave or a police officer will have to hold you down,
Give you what you deserve...

Pick a part, you dream it up,
Use your imagination,
Oh boy, I'll be your fantasy,
Tonight's the night...

Tonight I'm gonna come alive,
Make you forget about your 9 to 5,
Are you ready for your blood to rise?,
Tonight's the night I'm dressing up for you...

Tonight I'm gonna come alive,
Make you forget about your 9 to 5,
Are you ready for your blood to rise?,
Tonight's the night I'm dressing up for you...


Beads of sweat drip down your neck,
Breathing deep, gaining speed, about to peak,

Tonight I'm gonna come alive,
Make you forget about your 9 to 5,
Are you ready for your blood to rise?,
Tonight's the night I'm dressing up for you... (x2)

I'm dressing up for you,
I'm dressing up, I'm dressing up, I'm dressing up,
I'm dressing up, I'm dressing up for you,
I'm dressing up, I'm dressing up for you.

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