Never Close Our Eyes - Adam Lambert | Video y Letra

Como siempre presentando la mejor música del momento, en esta ocasión tenemos el agrado de presentarles la canción de Adam Lambert esta nueva canción se llama Never Close Our Eyes. Espero que sea de todo su agrado y que la disfruten por esta hermosa la canción Never Close Our Eyes de Adam Lambert.

Aqui el video de Never Close Our Eyes - Adam Lambert

A continuación le vamos a presentar la letra de Never Close Our Eyes
I wish that this night would never be over
There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die
So let’s just stay awake until we grow older
If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never!
I don’t wanna let a minute get away
Cause we got no time to lose
None of us are promised to see tomorrow
And what we do is ours to choose
Forget about the sunrise
Fight the sleep in your eyes
I don’t wanna miss a second with you
Let’s stay this way forever
It’s only getting better if we want it to
But you know I wish that this night would never be over
There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die
So let’s just stay awake until we grow older
If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never!
It’s so hard to think this would fade away
But what goes up must come down
Why can’t we just live life with no consequence
That no way living the now
Forget about the sunrise
Fight the sleep in your eyes
I don’t wanna miss a second with you
Let’s stay this way forever
It only gets better if we want it to
You know that I wish that this night would never be over
There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die
So let’s just stay awake until we grow older
If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never

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