Princess of China - Rihanna Feat Coldplay (Preview Video Oficial) | Video y Letra

Como siempre presentando la mejor música del momento, en esta ocasión tenemos el agrado de presentarles la canción de Rihanna Feat Coldplay (Preview Video Oficial) esta nueva canción se llama Princess of China. Espero que sea de todo su agrado y que la disfruten por esta hermosa la canción Princess of China de Rihanna Feat Coldplay (Preview Video Oficial).

Aqui el video de Princess of China - Rihanna Feat Coldplay (Preview Video Oficial)

A continuación le vamos a presentar la letra de Princess of China
Once upon a time, somebody ran
Somebody ran away seeing fast as I can
I got to go, I got to go
Once upon a time, we fell apart
You holding in your hand the two halves of my heart
Oh whoa, oh whoa
Oh whoa
Once upon a time, we runnin’ bright
Now we all ever seem to do is fight, on and on
And on and on and on,
Once upon a time, on the same side
Once upon a time, on the same side
In the same game
And why’d you have to go?
Have to go and throw over all of my things
I could’ve been the princess, you’d be a king
Could’ve have had a castle, worn a ring, but no
You let me go
I could’ve been the princess, you’d be a king
Could’ve have had a castle, worn a ring, but no
You let me go
You stole my star
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
You stole my star
La la la la la la
Oh whoa
Cause she really hurt me
No, you really hurt me
Cause she really hurt me
No, you really hurt me
Cause she really hurt me, oh
You really hurt me, oh
Cause she really hurt me, oh
You really hurt me

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