Stache - Lady Gaga | Video y Letra

Como siempre presentando la mejor música del momento, en esta ocasión tenemos el agrado de presentarles la canción de Lady Gaga esta nueva canción se llama Stache. Espero que sea de todo su agrado y que la disfruten por esta hermosa la canción Stache de Lady Gaga.

Aqui el video de Stache - Lady Gaga

A continuación le vamos a presentar la letra de Stache
Princess die high
Princess high die
Where’s stache?
Want to get high guy
I need my
Have you seen my
I can’t find my
Where’s my stache?
Can you feed my love
Cand you feed my love
Where’s my stache?
Where’s my stache?
High princess
There’s no exit, we’re in john paul’s sartre
Hope you don’t think my obession is awkward
[beat break]
Princess high die
Princess die high
Princess high die
Princess die high

There’s no particular thing that I want
There’s no particular drug that I love
But when I can’t find my stache I give up
I need to deal with myself and get messed up
Where’s my stache?
Can you feed my love
Cand you feed my love
Where’s my stache?
Where’s my stache?
High princess
Where’s my stache?
DJ Zedd, anton turn it up
Let’s party, let’s get messed up
Let’s get messed up
Let’s get messed up
You’re so messed up
Psychotic music head.

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